Our Mission

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Welcome to Muni international

We will ensure you are getting The Best Service & Accurate Results

Muni international – A name that excellence in chemistry & innovation & customizing solution for our customers. Excellence in technical skills, in delivering quality products, in marketing abilities and above all, excellence in serving the customers. We are a true blue new world company that heavily relies on innovation and research-driven advancements. As an NSIC-CRISIL rated company, It is a matter of pride with which we state that today, our product range includes over 300 products which cater to varied industries like textile processing, garment washing, performance-chemicals for home care, fabric care, paints, paper ,adhesives and construction industries, institutional & industrial cleaning and hygiene solutions.

Muni international is the products find use in the Paints, Packaging, and Furniture, Textiles, Construction and many other industries.Muni International has a well-equipped laboratory to develop products for various applications and is committed to manufacture products at affordable prices for its customers. The Company believes in constantly upgrading its products and introducing new products to meet the ever growing demands of the various industries. The Company has a good marketing network and believes in developing business on a long term association basis rather than as anaphor one. With the addition of more production capacity the export market is being actively pursued and is receiving a positive response. The Company is presently exporting its products to countries in Asia, Africa and the Middle East. Muni international, besides manufacturing polymer emulsion is also in the business of indenting and marketing of bulk raw materials. The company is also diversifying and expanding its activities in other areas, but all under the umbrella of Muni International, which would also aid to consolidate the company’s business objectives. The Company’s philosophy to improve “the quality of life for all”, stems from the strong belief and desire to make best use of the available resources, minimize pollution and provide value addition to the products so as to give optimum benefits to its customers and society at large.

Laboratory Priority Services provider
Best analysis provider giving customization services
Affordable Auxillaries
Awesome Features

Our core Features

Helpful Test Tips

testing is a key in gauging product quality, ensuring regulatory compliance and assessing the performance materials.

Research Center

Research in the field of Textile Chemistry and Textile Physics, polymer chemistry and material sciences applied research

Latest Equipment

chemists may create new products to meet specific market needs or modify existing products to become more generally marketable

Qualified Staff

Staffing is the process of hiring eligible candidates in the organization or company for specific positions